View of the site where a new $20 million park in Bay Terrace is going to be constructed. (Photo courtesy of Councilman Vallone’s office)
Oct. 18, 2021 Staff Report
The Parks Dept. is calling on the public for input as it looks to construct a new playground on a 1.5 acre site in Bay Terrace.
The department is undertaking a virtual scoping on Thursday, Oct. 21 at 6 p.m. for what will be the Cross Island Parkway Waters Edge Drive Playground.
Council Member Paul Vallone secured $20 million in capital funding for the playground in the latest city budget. The playground will be located across the street from a school that will be going up at the corner of Water’s Edge Drive and 24th Avenue.
The plans for the 572-seat elementary school have proven to be controversial, with Community Board 7 voting against the proposal in June.
The board voted it down saying it would add to traffic, would be located in a flood-prone area and that the community was given little time to provide input. The School Construction Authority, however, said after the vote that it would still move forward with the plan.
Early concepts for the new playground include a parking lot, children’s play area, comfort station, security lighting, walking paths and adult fitness equipment. The site was chosen as community leaders had expressed parking concerns related to the proposal to construct the school
The land for the proposed playground has been owned by the Parks Dept. since 1943 and is adjacent to the Cross Island Parkway, Waters Edge Drive and 24th Avenue.
The scoping meeting will influence the final design.
“Thanks to Council Member Vallone, we’re creating a brand-new playground for the children and families of Bay Terrace to enjoy,” said Mitchell J. Silver in June. Silver was the NYC Parks Commissioner at the time.
To join the scoping meeting for the playground, individuals must register at nyc.gov/parks/input.
The registration page closes at 5 p.m. on Thursday.

Site plan for the proposed school. (Photo via SCA)